When focusing on the inner workings of the trumpet, technique, air, tongue, rhythm, sound, etc..the one thing I don't find discussed enough is instinct response. Huh?? You may say...Well, I teach about this a lot! This, to a certain extent, can apply to all musical instruments, but for the trumpet it is a vital discussion. While talking recently with my trumpet mentor, Charlie Schlueter, he said something to me that I say all the time to my students, "there's nothing natural about playing the trumpet" . I had to laugh because he was reminding me of all the gems of wisdom that came out of my 3 years of studying with him. Instincts serve us well for the most part in everyday life. Unfortunately, certain instincts and body function instincts are the opposite of what a trumpet player needs to be able to count on to play well. This will be an ongoing discussion here. So, I will begin with some basics. The most basic instinct we have is the fear/flig...
My focus is on helping trumpet players reach their true potential. Application of my teaching concepts will get you dramatic results. What are you waiting for!! Contact: rousseauman123@gmail.com