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Showing posts from September 13, 2015

Brass Ensemble Director

I am starting a brass ensemble at Neighborhood Music School in New Haven for high school brass players on Wednesday evenings at 6:45-7:30pm. Please have anyone who is interested call NMS at (203) 624-5180 or (203) 624-5189.

Finding the Best Teacher

Over the past 10 years, with the growing use of internet access, a lot of big conglomerate music lesson organizations have cropped up.  While they offer the convenience of having the teacher travel to your home, what they don't tell you is they are making minimum of 1/2 of what you pay for these lessons.  While that might not be your concern it creates two problems. 1st :  most highly qualified teachers have been teaching for some time and won't be interested in teaching through these sites as they get paid so poorly.  So, what you get are usually students right out of school, most likely eager to start teaching.  You may get lucky and get a decent teacher.  Most likely you will get someone like myself (years ago) right out of music undergrad who has student loans to pay off and now is looking at a field where they can't usually make enough to help pay those bills. But, how long will they stay with these big companies, many based no where close to the state they are act